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Studying and Living in Sydney at Australian Health and Horticulture Institute


AHHI delivers training and assessment two days per week during the term time. Students are required to attend 20 scheduled face to face hours per week on campus.


AHHI reserves the right to change the timetable where required.


Training and Assessment Delivery Methods :

AHHI provides face to face classes blended with essential self-study as follows: 

  1. Classroom based training sessions to develop the knowledge and theoretical understandings required to undertake aged care work and work within a highly regulated industry and prepare for and practice dealing with situations that arise in an aged-care setting. Classroom settings will ensure full access to internet, whiteboards and online resources. Classroom and simulated environment training sessions include scheduled face to face classes each week during term time. Attendance in classroom-based training sessions is mandatory and students who do not attend are not eligible to undertake assessment.

  2. Self-Study for class reading, assessment research, preparation and completion - In addition, successful completion of this course will require students to engage in the following self study time that is essential to be undertaken in the student’s own time outside the scheduled hours to include but not limited to: 

    • Read the relevant chapters in their learning materials prior to class so that the theory  presentation has some context and meaning as students will better understand the theory presentation 

    • Answer the questions at the end of the relevant chapter prior to attending class so  that the trainer can run through with the class integrated with the theory presentation 

    • Research, preparation and completion of summative written assessment tasks

    • practical assessment preparation 

    • any other additional reading and exploration of suggested resources 

    • all learning and students assessment resources are accessed on line through the  learning management system 


The amount of time students needs to spend varies upon the individual, however 10 hours per week in addition to scheduled face to face classes would be appropriate for satisfactory  course progression. This time is in addition to the structured 20 scheduled hours of  training each week 



Students are required to undertake a range of theoretical and practical assessments for each unit of  competency. The methods of assessment will vary according to the requirements of each unit of  competency in the course and these include but are not limited to: 


  • Knowledge questions 

  • Verbal questions 

  • Case studies 

  • Projects 

  • Essays 

  • Portfolios 

  • Practical demonstrations

  • Presentations 


At the beginning of each unit of competency, students are provided with information for that unit of  competency that clearly outlines the assessment tasks required including the criteria and due dates. Students that require reassessment will be required to pay a reassessment fee as published in the Schedule of Fees and Charges. 



AHHI students have access to all student resources online through Moodle for each  unit of competency as stated in the Course Structure for their chosen course. 


AHHI students can also complete the online application to join the City of Parramatta Library Service through the online website access at 



Credit Transfer: 

Relevant Australian Qualifications and Statements of Attainments that have been issued by any  other Registered Training Organisation will be recognised by AHHI. To apply for Credit  Transfer students must be able to present their original Qualification /Statement of Attainment or certified copies of the qualifications, with National Codes and Titles that match the current course in  which the student is enrolled. 


Where course credit is granted to individual overseas students AHHI will notify DHA of the change to the duration of study though PRISMS reporting. 


Recognition of Prior Learning: 

AHHI recognises the skills and knowledge that students may have gained through  previous studies and workplace and life experiences. Students may be entitled to gain recognition prior or after commencing the course that will exempt them from attending one or more units.


Students who believe they already have the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate  competency can request RPL and should request a copy of the RPL Kit. All students are made aware of RPL during orientation. 

Students are provided with information about the evidence required for each qualification and must  provide valid, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to demonstrate competency. The assessor may require the student to undergo a challenge test/s. The cost for RPL is to be borne by the student.


Where RPL is granted to individual overseas students the AHHI will notify DHA of the  change to the duration of study though PRISMS reporting. 



AHHI makes no guarantee of employment for AHHI students or graduates.



31/72-74 Phillip Street Parramatta NSW 2150



AHHI ensures that students have the opportunity for their study and life experience in Australia to be positive and memorable. During this life experience there will be some exciting new life and learning experiences students want to embrace and others that may be culturally difficult for  students to understand. AHHI assist students to make the most of this opportunity and  provide any other support based on request. 


To provide students with the right person to go to for help and support, AHHI has appointed the following staff as the official points of contact for students: 


  • Trainer is the Point of Contact for academic issues: The student may go to the Trainer in all  cases regarding their academic progression or hindrances 

  • Chief Executive Officer is appointed as the Point of Contact for non-academic issues.


The student may go to the Chief Executive Officer in all cases regarding non-academic issues such as administration, finance, facilities, accommodation etc. and/or any matters related to supporting their personal welfare.


AHHI will use a combination of our own support services which are provided at no cost  or we may refer students to external agencies for support. 


Some of the support services AHHI provides include, but is not limited to: 

  • Gap training to ensure completion within expected duration 

  • Difficulties related to studying and learning

  • Workshops on finding and applying for part time employment

  • Social programs to include any Australian cultural and celebratory events on the Sydney calendar such as Harmony Day, Vivid Festival, and multicultural events to celebrate the  multicultural celebrations of the student body  


Some referral services AHHI utilises to assist students (at no cost) for referral include but are  not limited to: 

  • Counselling support 

  • Medical Services 

  • Legal Services 

  • Emergency Services 

  • Housing/Accommodation Services referral


Some external support agencies may have a fee for the services they provide. The Chief Executive Officer will help you to find out about the external services available. In the event that an external support service requires payment of a fee for services, this will be paid by the student. 


Refer to the Student Support Policy for more details about the educational and support services.



Life as a Student 

AHHI students are international students from a wide range of countries from around the world. At AHHI, we celebrate this diversity and encourage the students to develop  positive ties with each other to learn about the beauty of the different cultures. AHHI assists students to adjust to life in Australia by encouraging connections with those in their immediate and wider community. 


Cost of Living 

It is estimated that it costs between AUD$18,000 to AUD$21,000 per year for accommodation, food, transport, clothing, medical and entertainment. Married students must also add an additional 35% for a spouse, and 15-20% per dependent child. 

Main Campus - 31/70-74 Phillip Street Parramatta NSW 2150

Regional Address - 168 Mulgrave Road Mulgrave NSW 2756

Head Office - 87 Fennell Street North Parramatta NSW 2151

©2022 by Australian Health and Horticulture Institute RTO 41015 CRICOS 03954C

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