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Prospective applicants seeking to enrol with AHHI are required to submit  acceptable evidence to demonstrate that they meet the published entry criteria for their chosen course. 


All applications submitted by an applicant or agent must include the following:

  • Completed Student Application Form with applicant signature 

  • Academic entry requirement certification 

  • English language entry requirements certification 

  • Passport Photocopy – applicant details page (where available) 

  • Any other published entry requirements (where applicable) 


Incomplete applications will result in delays in the admission process. Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Offer and Student Written Agreement. Unsuccessful applicants will receive formal notification that their application has been unsuccessful including the reason(s).


Verification of Documentation

Certified copies, together with English translations (where appropriate), of documentation included in an application for admission, must be appropriately verified, Persons eligible to certify documents are: 

  • Authorised officer from the institution that originally issued the certification/document

  • Notary Public or Justice of the Peace 

  • AHHI authorised officers 


Where an application is submitted by an education agent on behalf of the prospective student, the education agent can verify that the original has been cited. To ensure authenticity, the student is still required to bring original entry documentation to orientation. Failure to provide original  documentation or evidence of falsification may result in cancellation of the enrolment without refund. Such incidents will be reported to relevant Australian government bodies.  


Where there are doubts about a student’s claimed entry requirement documentation, AHHI will contact the issuing institution for verification. 


Deferral, Suspension and/or Cancellation of Enrolment 

International students may apply to defer their studies if they are unable to commence their course on the scheduled commencement date or default start date for voluntary suspension of their studies if they are unable to commence or attend the course for a specified period of time under compassionate or compelling circumstances.


Compassionate or compelling circumstances include situations beyond the student’s control and  which are likely to have an impact upon the student’s course progress or well-being and includes but  is not limited to the following: 

  • Serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student will be unable to attend classes; 

  • Death or illness of close family member such as parents, or grandparents (where possible a  doctor’s or death certificate) The college will also recognise the death of siblings, children, spouses, uncles and aunts but requests documentary proof of both the death and  relationship

  • A major political upheaval or natural disaster in home country requiring emergency travel

  • A critical incident 

  • A traumatic experience (supported by police or psychologists reports) such as: Involvement in or witnessing a serious accident

  • Witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime 

  • Delays in gaining a student visa 


If a student defers or suspends their studies for any other ground not stated above, the student must provide compelling documentary evidence to support their request. 


Students must contact DHA regarding the effect any deferment or suspension of studies may have  on their student visa prior to formally lodging an application to defer or voluntarily suspend their studies. 


The maximum time allowed for a deferment or voluntary suspension of study is one term (10 weeks  not including holidays) 


Personal & Contact Details

AHHI collects personal information from students for the purpose of training and  assessment only and is required to report personal information to relevant Government Authorities  without the express permission of the student. In all other cases, the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 are adhered to. 


Release of Personal Information

The information provided by the student to AHHI, including personal and contact  details, course enrolment details and changes, attendance and academic progress can be made  available to Commonwealth and State agencies, pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2000  and the National Code of Practice 2018. 


AHHI is obligated, under s19 of the ESOS Act 2000, to inform certain Government bodies about changes to the student’s enrolment and the circumstances of any suspected breach by the student of a student visa condition relating to attendance or satisfactory academic performance  without student consent or notification.


Personal information supplied, along with consent to being contacted, will only be used by AHHI in connection with an application for a student to study at AHHI or in the case where any outstanding fees payable need to be recovered by an external agency. AHHI will only disclose personal information to outside parties if required by law, or if needed to prevent a serious threat to a person’s health or safety. Personal information provided to AHHI can be accessed & amended by contacting the Student Service Officer.


Unique Student Identifier

AHHI students are not permitted to commence training and assessment until they have  provided AHHI with their Unique Student Identifier. In cases where there the student experiences difficulty obtaining a student identifier, AHHI will allow training and assessment to commence and follow the procedure for ascertaining a correct student identifier from The Registrar. For more information go to


Fees & Timetable

  1. The AHHI Fees and Charges outlines all course fees and other fees and charges  that students will need to pay and can be accessed in Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement.

  2. AHHI reserves the right to vary its fees without notice; 

  3. Timetables may be subject to change 


Payment of Fees

The following must be followed in relation to payment of tuition and non-tuition fees 

  1. All tuition and non-tuition fee payments are clearly outlined in the Letter of Offer and  Acceptance Agreement

  2. The initial fee deposit cannot be accepted from potential students unless they have signed  and submitted the Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement. 

  3. Initial Fee Deposit payments can be made concurrently with or after submission of the  signed Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement. 

  4. Students are permitted under the ESOS Act to choose to pay more than 50% of their tuition fees before course commencement where: 

    • The student or responsible person paying the fees chooses to pay 50% prior to commencement

    • The course has a duration of 25 weeks or less.​​

  5. Students are required to pay the Initial Fee Deposit prior to commencement which includes: 

    • Enrolment fee (non-refundable) 

    • Materials Fee (non-refundable after commencement) 

    • Tuition fees (first term) 

    • Overseas Student Health Cover (where applicable) 

    • Bank charges (non-refundable) 

  6. Students will be required to pay for the remaining tuition and materials fees as outlined in  the Instalment Schedule in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement 

  7. Payments can be in the form of cash, bank transfer, telegraphic transfer or EFTPOS. 

    • Telegraphic transfer and credit card payments* are available for payers transferring  the money from overseas. 

    • Copy of the telegraphic transfer document must be forwarded to the accounts.

    • Payers wishing to pay via credit card from overseas must fill out the credit card  payment form and forward it to for processing.  (*applicable Surcharge will apply) 

    • AHHI reserves the right to cancel any course prior to the commencement date of the course or during the course, should it be deemed  necessary. 

    • For fees / payment schedule, please refer to initial fee deposit” and "Instalment schedules" in the offer letter. AHHI reserves the right to accept or reject any application for enrolment at its discretion. 

  8. If a student does not pay the remaining tuition and materials fees as outlined in the Instalment Schedule Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement by the due date(s), a late payment fee which accrues on a weekly basis is added to the instalment payment until the instalment payment is made 

  9. Non-financial students will not be included on the class list or allowed to attend classes until the instalment payment has been made

  10. Non-financial students may have their CoE cancelled on PRISMS under student default for non-payment of fees

  11. Fees may be subject to change without notice. 


Late Payments

  • 1 to 5 days overdue - students will be charged $200.00 late fee for overdue tuition fees

  • 6 or more days overdue - students will be charged $400.00 late fee for overdue tuition fees

  • International students who do not pay their tuition fees will be reported on PRISMS under student default 


Refund Conditions

All refund considerations will be strictly limited to the total amount AHHI has received from the student. The refund conditions include the following: 

  1. Enrolment fees are non-refundable 

  2. Materials fees paid and consumed are non-refundable 

  3. Bank fees are non-refundable 

  4. Students are required to pay the published administration processing fee for refund requests 

  5. Refer to Refunds based on Student Visa Refusal for specific conditions 

  6. Refer to Cancellation and Refund Conditions – Student Default for specific conditions

  7. Refer to Cancellation and Refund Conditions – Provider Default for specific conditions

  8. Refunds will be paid to the person or entity that originally paid the fees

  9. Fees will not be refunded directly to a student if it was a third party such as an education agent that originally paid the fees except in the case of provider default where the refund is  paid directly to the student 

  10. AHHI reserves the right to exclude students from class when fees are not paid

  11. Tuition fees are not transferable to another person or institution. 

  12. AHHI reserves the right to change, alter or amend fees at any time. Such changes, alterations, and amendments will be made and communicated in writing

  13. In all circumstances, AHHI will provide a statement and an explanation of how the refund was calculated and make fully available access to AHHI complaints policy 

  14. The AHHI dispute resolution process does not circumscribe the student’s right to pursue other legal remedies 


Cancellation and Refund Conditions - Student Default

Student Default applies as follows: 

  • the course starts on the agreed start date but the student does not start on the agreed start  date and/or has not previously withdrawn or formally deferred the course start date

  • the student withdraws from a AHHI course of study before or after the agreed starting day 

  • AHHI refuses to provide or continue to provide a course to the student because of one of the following reasons: 

    • The student fails to pay an amount they are liable to pay AHHI directly or  indirectly in order to study the course 

    • The student has breached a condition of their student visa 

    • The student has misbehaved


In the event a student withdraws from a AHHI course of study, the following applies: 

  • Students must notify AHHI of their intention to withdraw from their studies using the following forms: 

    • Application for withdrawal/Discontinuation 

    • Refund Request Form 

  • Withdrawal 10 weeks prior to agreed start date: 

    • 80% of tuition fees paid will be refunded where the student has paid the entire first  term tuition fee and materials fee for the course and 20% will be retained by AHHI

    • The published administration processing fee will be charged 

    • Non-refundable fees will be retained 

  • Withdrawal 5 to 9 weeks prior to agreed start date: 

    • 70% of tuition fees paid will be refunded where the student has paid the entire first  term tuition fee of the course and 30% will be retained by AHHI

    • The published administration processing fee will be charged 

    • Non-refundable fees will be retained 

  • Withdrawal 6 working days to 4 weeks prior to agreed start date: 

    • 30% of tuition fees paid will be refunded where the student has paid the entire first  term tuition fee of the course and 70% will be retained by AHHI

    • The published administration processing fee will be charged 

    • Non-refundable fees will be retained 

  • Withdrawal 5 working days prior to agreed start date:

    • No refunds will be provided 5 working days prior to commencement  

    • No refunds will be provided if a student fails to commence on the agreed start date

  • AHHI will make a refund within 28 days of receiving a valid, approved written claim 

  • All refund considerations will be strictly limited to the monies AHHI has received and will not include non-refundable fees and bank charges

  • AHHI will make the refund available to the student directly as per source of  payment

  • Tuition and other fees are not transferable to another student or institution


Cancellation and Refund Conditions - Provider Default

  • A registered provider defaults when the following occurs: 

    • AHHI fails to provide a course to a student at the location on the agreed  starting day; or

    • The course or any current classes for a specific course is cancelled by AHHI and cease to provide to the student at the location at any time after the course  starts but before it is completed with the day the course/class ceases being identified as the default day;

    • And the student has not withdrawn from that course before the default day 

  • In the event that AHHI fails to continue to provide a course to a student, AHHI will pay the student a refund of the amount worked out in accordance with any legislative instrument made under subsection (7) ESOS Act for any unspent tuition fees received by AHHI in respect of the student

  • Refunds in situations of Provider Default are covered by the provisions of the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) that include but may not be limited to the following:

    • AHHI does not offer a course on the advertised start date or

    • terminates a course after the course start date or

    • before the course completion date or

    • does not provide a course as advertised due to sanctions by any authority or

    • does not provide a course in full 

  • In such a case AHHI will pay the student a refund which equals the amount of the total tuition fees paid for the remainder of the course not completed at the time of default  (unspent tuition fees) if an alternative placement with another provider cannot be found to the student’s satisfaction. 

  • The amount calculated for refund will be paid in 14 days from the date of notification of default 

  • In the event of provider default, AHHI will give notices to the both the affected students, ASQA and the Director, TPS in accordance with the ESOS Act 

  • The provider default notice will contain: 

    • Circumstances of the default 

    • Details of the affected students in relation to whom AHHI has defaulted ⮚ Advice as to how AHHI is discharging its duties under section 46D, ESOS  Act and how AHHI will discharge those obligations 

  • AHHI will notify ASQA and TPS Director within three (3) business days of the default occurring 

  • In the event of provider default, AHHI discharges its obligation to students if:

    • The student is offered a place in another AHHI course in accordance with subsection (4) and the student accepts the offer in writing; OR 

    • AHHI offers a refund in accordance with subsection (6) which is the amount of any  unspent tuition fees received by AHHI in respect of the student


Tuition Protection Service (TPS)

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to assist  international students whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study.  The TPS ensures that international students are able to either: 

  • complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or

  • receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees 


In the unlikely event AHHI is unable to deliver a course where fees have been paid in advance and it does not meet its obligations to either offer the student an alternative course that is accepted or pay the student a refund of the unspent prepaid tuition fees, the TPS will assist the student in finding an alternative course or offer a refund if a suitable alternative is not found.


Complaints and Appeals

Students are entitled to have a personal representative present at any stage during the complaints  handling procedure. If the student’s problem cannot be resolved by AHHI published  complaints handling process, students can seek external assistance for appeal. 

External options available to students include 


Consumer Rights

AHHI will notify students in the event that any of the following changes occurs that may affect the services being provided in this agreement. These include: 

  • a change in ownership of the RTO, and/or 

  • any changes to or new third-party agreements that are put in place for the delivery of services  outlined in this agreement 


This agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals on decisions and actions under  various processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies. 



AHHI reserves the right to terminate students for any serious breaches including but not limited to:  

  • academic misconduct 

  • non-academic misconduct 

  • failure to achieve satisfactory academic progress as per intervention strategy


Student Rights

In the unlikely event AHHI ceases to operate as a Registered Training Organisation, students will be assisted to transfer to another Registered Training Organisation that offers the  same qualification.  

In the event AHHI is not able to provide an agreed service that results in arrangement being terminated early, students will be refunded the appropriate amount of fees paid upon  agreement of training and assessment services provided. AHHI will notify students of any changes to the agreed services as soon as possible or within 2 weeks.

Main Campus - 31/70-74 Phillip Street Parramatta NSW 2150

Regional Address - 168 Mulgrave Road Mulgrave NSW 2756

Head Office - 87 Fennell Street North Parramatta NSW 2151

©2022 by Australian Health and Horticulture Institute RTO 41015 CRICOS 03954C

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